Cuddly friends for everyone!
A tropical, colorful bird!
Who is that behind that mask?
Plush friend and member of the Space Station crew!
The hugest of the giants
The brightest planet in the sky
The closest planet to the sun
The sideways ice giant
More than just a monkey and a bunny!
The dragon from the song!
Julius the Dog wants to follow you home!
The Wolf, well-dressed of course
An outfit for your Little Duck Amedee, Dog Julius or any of their friends
An outfit for your little Jeanne, Felice or any of their friends
Felice, the sweet Little Hen
Jeanne, the sweet Little Goose
Amedee (Amadeus) the Little Duck
Monsieur Renard, the dapper fox
An old fashioned trunk filled with two friends and outfits.
An elegant owl to hide in your barn
Dangerous and cuddly too!
A Dragon of the Sea!
A proud American icon!
This Buzzard cleans up!
This Flying Fox will drive you batty!