Toys and fun things for crows of any age to play with.
Plush birds that sing a real bird song when you squeeze them! Each bird's appearance is accurately designed with input from Audubon and each song is provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Toys to build and express your creativity with.
Windups and tin machinations polished with amazement and wonder!
Cuddly friends for everyone!
Puppets waiting for you to control their every move.
(Disclaimer: Some puppets may be disobedient and mischievous.)
A realistic 1:40 scale Stegosaurus with plates and a spiky thagomizer.
A realistic 1:40 scale Spinosaurus to tower over other 1:40 scale carnivores.
A realistic 1:40 scale Ankylosaurus, the walking armored tank of the dinosaur world.
A realistic 1:40 scale Pliosaurus to frighten everything out of the water.
A realistic 1:40 scale Tyrannosaurus Rex roaring ferociously.
A realistic 1:40 scale Pteranodon to soar through prehistoric times.
Ready for a big hug!
A tropical, colorful bird!
Plush friend and member of the Space Station crew!
The hugest of the giants
The brightest planet in the sky
The closest planet to the sun
The sideways ice giant
When pigs fly...
Authentic tweeting chickadee wearing a winter hat.
Authentic calling Blue Jay with a winter scarf
Authentic tweeting goldfinch with blue earmuffs!
Authentic tweeting robin with a red poofy hat
Authentic calling loon with a loony white and red scarf.
The dragon from the song!
A cute bunny puppet with the loppiest of ears!
Julius the Dog wants to follow you home!
An outfit for your Little Duck Amedee, Dog Julius or any of their friends
A fuzzy chick that perches on your finger.