Toys and fun things for crows of any age to play with.
Plush birds that sing a real bird song when you squeeze them! Each bird's appearance is accurately designed with input from Audubon and each song is provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Toys to build and express your creativity with.
Windups and tin machinations polished with amazement and wonder!
Cuddly friends for everyone!
Puppets waiting for you to control their every move.
(Disclaimer: Some puppets may be disobedient and mischievous.)
A welcome mouse!
Invite The Magical Amazing Robot to your next trivia challenge!
An adorably realistic little hatchling triceratops
A realistic little Spinosaurus hatchling with a mischievous grin
A huge 1:15 scale Triceratops to fend off much bigger T-Rexs.
More than just a monkey and a bunny!
A kitty who can be menacing or sweet.
A realistic 1:40 scale Triceratops to fend off tiny T-Rexs.
An elegant owl to hide in your barn
Dangerous and cuddly too!
A pretty blue butterfly puppet!
A pretty and rare butterfly puppet!
A pretty Swallowtail butterfly puppet!
A Dragon of the Sea!
A proud American icon!
This Buzzard cleans up!
This Flying Fox will drive you batty!
A cuddly Friend who wears a mask
Daddy Seahorse with babies!
Authentic chirping bald eagle
Authentic gobbling wild turkey
Authentic tweeting black-capped chickadee
Authentic chirping male northern cardinal
Authentic tweeting goldfinch